

When Moringa Oleifera, locally known as brede mouroume, comes up in a conversation, we think of the small pearl-shaped leaves and the bitter taste they have. Many of us are not aware that this green, labeled as invasive species in some countries, has high nutritional and medicinal values. It also has antiviral, anti-fungal, anti-depressant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is for the same reason that Moringa is known as the Miracle tree. 

This plant, which maybe you even have it in your garden and you grew tired of seeing, is a superfood that is seeing a rise in its demand. It contains compounds such as, but not limited to, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Moreover, no harmful cholesterol is found in this plant. It can be consumed orally or applied to the skin, all depending on the health (or beauty) problem you have. 

Moringa has numerous known health benefits; most of which might surprise you, and they include:

  • Improving the vision 
  • Contributing to bone health 
  • Helping in the reparation of muscles 
  • Enhancing sexual performance 
  • Helping in mood regulation 
  • Improving the thyroid health, hence helping balance hormones 
  • Protecting the liver by reversing oxidation 
  • Reducing inflammation 
  • Helping balance 
  • Normalising blood sugar 
  • Improving digestion 
  • Combatting oxidative stress 
  • Helping prevent & fight cancer 
  • Reducing symptoms of diabetes 
  • Preventing respiratory problems 
  • Lowering cholesterol 
  • Delaying the ageing process 
  • Reducing wrinkles and age lines 
  • Treating kidney stones 
  • Regulating chronic constipation 
  • Preventing edema from developing 
  • Fighting against bacterial diseases 
  • Protecting the cardiovascular system 
  • Reducing the severity of asthma attacks 
  • Treating/Preventing anemia 
  • Improve lactation in nursing mothers 
  • Helping in weight loss 
  • Reducing arsenic toxicity in body 
  • Contributing to skin radiance 
  • Stimulating hair growth

Does it seem unbelievable?

The reason why Moringa is able to help prevent or treat such a long list of diseases and even more is because it is dense with nutrients because it is dense with nutrients. According to ScienceDirect, it is said to have 7 times more vitamin C than oranges (when fresh), 9 times more protein than yoghurt, 10 times more vitamin A than 
carrots, 15 times more potassium than bananas, 17 times more calcium than milk and 25 
times more iron than spinach. 

Moringa is a superfood that boasts a high amount of antioxidants. It has the ability to strengthen eyesight, control diabetes, maintain strong bones, combat ovarian and breast cancer, and improve the immune system among many more. This is why, Kanhye Health Foods Co have brought to you Moringa Capsules, Moringa Powder, and Moringa infusions which are Made in Moris and also available in flavours such as Lemongrass, Ginger, or Pomegranate for those who dislike the natural flavour. In this way, nobody has to miss out one of the healthiest and valuable plant.


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