

V Kanhye Health Foods Co Ltd is the pioneer in Mauritius to plant organic Moringa on a commercial scale and process it into powder, infusions, capsules and oil since 2014. Moringa also known as the “Mouroum Wormwood” is known as the miracle plant for its numerous nutritional and therapeutic benefits. Rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, this plant is used to treat certain respiratory diseases, reduce anxiety and control blood glucose levels in diabetics. V Kanhye Health Foods Co Ltd is a local and international award-winning company in innovation, production and quality.


The founder, Mr. Vinay Jayruth Kanhye, the Managing Director of V Kanhye Health Foods Co Ltd is an electrical engineer and MBA. His interest in Moringa started in 2012 when he first discovered its virtues while on holiday in London. Moringa has been used for decades for its unique properties. NGOs seeking to combat malnutrition around the world have been using it for a long time. Fascinated by the nutritional and therapeutic potential of this plant which has always enriched his native land, Vinay decided to exploit this plant in Mauritius.

Our Range of Products


Pure Moringa Infusion 50g, Pure Moringa Infusion 60g, Moringa & Ginger Infusion 50g, Moringa & Lemongrass Infusion 50g, Moringa & Pomegranate Infusion 40g


Moringa Capsules (60 gélules), Neem Capsules (60 gélules), Turmeric Capsules (60 gélules)


Moringa Powder 100g

Oils 100ml

Moringa Leaves, Neem, Lemongrass, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Coconut, Nasal Congestion Relief, Hair Oil and Pain Relief Oil.


Gift box (20 tea bags Moringa Infusion & 100g Moringa Powder)

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